Freedom News
Jayda Fransen of Britain First Attends National Radical March in Poland

Jayda Fransen of Britain First Attends National Radical March in Poland

Yesterday Poland celebrated its Independence Day. As per tradition in the last few years, numerous marches were organised by national radicals.

The nationalist march in Wrocław, the biggest city of western Poland, was attended by Jayda Fransen, representing Britain First. Jayda was invited by the organisers of the march: Jacek Miedlar a Polish ex- catholic priest who was recently refused entry to the UK twice due to his vehemently antisemitic and islamophobic statements and Piotr Rybak who was sentenced to home detention after he publicly burnt an effigy of an orthodox Jew at Wrocław’s main square.

Amongst approximately 1500 attendees of the march, the most visible and active groups were members of National Revival of Poland Party and football hooligans bearing a banner saying ‘God, Honor and Homeland’.

Jayda Fransen received a warm welcome from both march organisers and participants. Jacek Miedlar applauded her for ‘having the courage to fight Islamic pedophilia and defend the Poles in Britain’. Later, Jayda marched with Polish nationalists while they were shouting slogans such as ‘Kill All Faggots’, ‘Hit ’em with the sickle, hit ’em with a hammer, smash the red rag-tag!’

The march was met with a counter protest organised by Polish Women’s Strike and the Citizens of Poland group. Several dozen protestors bearing banners saying ‘Fascism Will Not Pass’ and ‘Poland Free From Fascism’ confronted the march and were attacked with flares. Minor scuffles, eventually dealt with by the police, broke. As a result, one of the counter-protestors ended up in the hospital after her hair caught fire from thrown flares. The police also took details of counter-demonstrators.

It is not the first time Britain First is attempting to cooperate with the Poland’s extreme right. In February and June 2017 Jacek Miedlar was detained at Stansted Airport while he was travelling to attend Britan First’s rallies in Telford and Birmingham. Polish extreme right and Britain First seem to be united in their fight against ‘islamification of Europe’.


Photograph: /author: A.Ambroziak


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