Freedom News

Dealing with 420 under lockdown

Thanks to the immutable cultural significance of the number 420*, the 20th of April has become certified official International Weed Day and it’s landed right in the middle of lockdown.

Tomorrow: evening antifascist rally in London

The openly racist and divisive rhetoric of Boris Johnson has emboldened the far right. All across the world the rise of authoritarian neo-liberal governments, ultra-nationalism and openly fascist movements are being resisted by mass anti-fascist action on the streets – from Rojava to Catalunya, Kashmir, Greece and Chile – anti-fascism is international. Last month saw

Latin America and the Caribbean are in flames

Chile Protest - Rev

Indigenous peoples are now leading the struggle, and they refuse to be forgotten and tokenised any more. They are fighting for all, and to get the rights to their ancestral lands and stop the destruction of the environment and the theft of our resources. They are keeping our culture alive and decolonised.

What is happening in Chile?

This text was sent to Freedom by our comrades in Chile. It is a summary of the events in the country in recent days and a call for support. After the Chilean government announced that they would raise the price of the metro, last week the high school students started a massive elude of payment