Trump’s second term could escalate support for Israel’s far-right agenda while cutting American backing for Ukraine, with uncertain outcomes driven by his personal and political gain ~ Blade Runner ~ The result of the United States elections might seem inevitable in hindsight, thanks to the ultra-centrist Democrats doing everything they can to hand the White
Tag: International
Long struggle: The IWA at 100
Founded in 1922, the International Workers’ Association (IWA) is celebrating its centenary this month. Over the last century it has represented many millions of people, faced repression from State forces and bounced back from the precipice. It has fought for the abolition of capitalism and the State, the implementation of libertarian communism and full workers’
Supporters call for International Day of Solidarity with anarchist hunger striker Libre Flot
On 8th December 2020, seven anarchists were arrested by the DGSI, the French anti-terrorist police unit, in various locations across France. They have been accused of partaking in “a criminal association planning a terrorist attack”. All but one have since been released (two without charges), some after months in pre-trial detention. They are awaiting trial
“The police are like a mafia”: A Thai radical worker interview
A new radical working class faction has emerged in the past month amid the Thai democracy movement. Known as Thalugaz, the group is significantly bolder, more violent and virulently anti-state than the rest of the moment thus far. Gabriel Ernst runs down the current situation in Bangkok and interviews a lead coordinator for Thalugaz. Street
Latin America and the Caribbean are in flames
Indigenous peoples are now leading the struggle, and they refuse to be forgotten and tokenised any more. They are fighting for all, and to get the rights to their ancestral lands and stop the destruction of the environment and the theft of our resources. They are keeping our culture alive and decolonised.
Anarkismo Network: Statement of the general meeting
European sections of the platformist international have issued a joint declaration on the state of the movement following last month’s gathering in Genoa. Launched in 2005, Anarkismo consists of groups which agree with an editorial statement and tends to promote organised engagement with existing mass movements such as large trade unions, in an attempt to push them
¡Digan revolución!
Joe Herbert on the role of photojournalism during the Spanish civil war
Solitary for being an anarchist
A prisoner at Pontiac Correctional Centre, Mark Neiweem, has been sent into solitary confinement for possessing literature from the Anarchist Black Cross, and for writing essays on the prison industrial complex. Following a disciplinary hearing – at which he was denied a lawyer – he was given six months in solitary for possessing ‘gang related
Obituary: Herman Wallace
A tribute to the Angola Three member, who tragically died three days after his release from prison