The openly racist and divisive rhetoric of Boris Johnson has emboldened the far right.
All across the world the rise of authoritarian neo-liberal governments, ultra-nationalism and openly fascist movements are being resisted by mass anti-fascist action on the streets – from Rojava to Catalunya, Kashmir, Greece and Chile – anti-fascism is international.
Last month saw violent fascists attack pro-EU and environmentalist demonstrators in central London. In recent weeks a vigilante group has patrolled the Dover seafront, “hunting” migrants seeking to cross the Channel. The deaths of 39 people who died in the back of a lorry in Essex, forced into the hands of traffickers, is the latest outcome of the UK’s “hostile environment” policy.
On 31st October organisations from across the far right are planning to mobilise in central London: they are seeking to capitalise on Brexit chaos in order to spread Islamophobic and xenophobic sentiment, and to recruit and radicalise those who feel disenfranchised by the political mainstream. London Anti-Fascist Assembly will be there to oppose them. This is not just about “leave” versus “remain”: we are unified in our opposition to racism, Islamophobia and fascism on our streets.
In solidarity with the global fight against fascism, London Anti-Fascist Assembly calls for a mass mobilisation on the streets. Not one step back!
London is anti-fascist, Rojava is anti-fascist, Catalunya is anti-fascist! Anti-fascism is international!
Meet at 7:30pm SHARP, 31st October, at the International Brigade Memorial in Lambeth.
Stay safe, stick together and look out for each other. This is a night time demonstration and there is potential for violence from the far right, especially since they won’t get the no deal brexit they want.
Due to the unpredictable nature of the current political situation and the far right’s response to it, plans may change at short notice.
Keep an eye on our social media for updates and if you have any questions about accessibility please get in touch:
Twitter: @London_AFA
Facebook: @LondonAntiFascistAssembly
Instagram: @london_antifascist_assembly