Freedom News

Boris’ Sentencing Bonanza – Part One

Boris’ Sentencing Bonanza – Part One

This week, the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Robert “fuck the law” Buckland QC, launched a new white paper A Smarter Approach to Sentencing, which outlines the government’s latest proposals for punishing law breakers who aren’t members of the Tory party. Keen to spare us the misery of digesting all 115 pages

Dover sentencing and anti-fascist organising

Dover sentencing and anti-fascist organising

The Dover demonstration in January was the most violent anti-fascist action in Britain for many years. 70 people have been arrested and more are being searched for. See appeals on Kent Police site for details. So far there have been 15 concluded cases. 10 people have received custodial sentences totalling 209 months. 7 People have