Freedom News

Legal News Digest: Nov-Dec 2020

Legal News Digest: Nov-Dec 2020

From the legislative war on sex workers to new rules governing criminal record disclosure, Carl Spender is here with a round-up of the last month’s legal news. On more than one occasion this year, I have lamented the never-ending game of catch-up I seem to be playing with the mutating provisions of the Health Protection

Notes for New Squatters

Notes for New Squatters

The government’s U-turn on evictions is merely a temporary reprieve — and today Freedom is publishing this newly updated Advisory Service for Squatters guide, which will only get more relevant as the year wears on. Squatting means occupying empty buildings, or land, without permission. Normally, it means homeless people finding somewhere to live, for a

Legal: People are being criminalised for coronavirus offences that don’t exist.

Legal: People are being criminalised for coronavirus offences that don’t exist.

Delirious with fevers and newly extended powers, British cops are well and truly out of control. Whether it’s Derbyshire police following dog walkers with drones or Lancashire constabulary issuing 123 enforcement notices in four days, front line coppers are running around like heavily armed headless chickens, fining, arresting or, in one horrific case, tasering anyone

Travelling to the COP25 summit in Madrid? Make sure you know your rights

Travelling to the COP25 summit in Madrid? Make sure you know your rights

If you are planning to travel from Britain to protests at the United Nations COP25 climate change conference in Madrid, which begins next week, it is important that you know about the Spanish state’s approach to freedom of assembly and in particular the extremely draconian Basic Law for the Protection of Public Security (Ley Orgánica

Confronting Street Racism: Know the Law

This has been republished from Cava Sunday’s tumblr. The website for Green and Black Cross can be found here. GBC run a weekly drop in to discuss legal issues – every Wednesday 12-6 at Freedom Bookshop.  After Brexit, fears of a sharp spike in racism and xenophobia are sadly being confirmed. Don’t just share this

Avoiding Police Facilitation – promoting state unsanctioned protests

Police forces are big fans of peaceful protests. That is, protests that are led by organisers who do what they’re told, who stick to a pre agreed route and work with police liaison officers to identify those engaging in behaviour deemed unacceptable by the state. Needless to say the police version of protests are only