Freedom News

3… 2… 1… Antifa are go

3… 2… 1… Antifa are go

The London Anti-Fascist Assembly (LAFA) launched this year as a pan-city grassroots anti-fascist coalition made up of groups from across the left. Below, a member of far-right monitoring podcast 12 Rules For WHAT (@12rulesforwhat) considers the challenges ahead. In February more than 150 anti-fascists packed into a social centre in Dalston to discuss and plan

London: Far-right bookfair cancelled after local pressure

London: Far-right bookfair cancelled after local pressure

An event touted as the “bookfair of the right” has been cancelled the morning before it was due to take place, after activists pressed the venue over its hosting of a fascist-filled event on International Holocaust Memorial Day. The White Eagle Club in Balham, London, was due to host the fascist get-together, which is linked

Manchester union picket attacked by fascists

Manchester union  picket attacked by fascists

Far-right thugs imitating the French yellow-vest movement launched a racist attack on an RMT picket yesterday, reports the Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network: Striking transport workers were attacked on their picket line at Manchester Victoria by a bunch of yellow vest fascists. The picketers, who have been campaigning over cuts to safety-important train guard roles, were attacked

Statement from Brazilian Women Against Fascism Front UK

Statement from Brazilian Women Against Fascism Front UK

The presidential elections in Brazil are reaching its final stretch. The far right wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro, front runner in the first round of votes and favourite according to the recent pools for the second round, openly proposes an authoritarian and anti-popular programme for the country. Bolsonaro supports the military dictatorship that devastated Brazil for

Fascists flop in Cambridge and Glasgow

Fascists flop in Cambridge and Glasgow

Anti-fascists were out in Cambridge and Glasgow yesterday to confront far-right groups the FLA and SDL, with the latter getting ludicrously low turnouts. Barely 60 people attended the SDL demo, ostensibly about grooming gangs, falling far short of even the 100-person limit which had been imposed by police. By contrast, according to a report from