Freedom News

Manchester union picket attacked by fascists

Manchester union  picket attacked by fascists

Far-right thugs imitating the French yellow-vest movement launched a racist attack on an RMT picket yesterday, reports the Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network: Striking transport workers were attacked on their picket line at Manchester Victoria by a bunch of yellow vest fascists. The picketers, who have been campaigning over cuts to safety-important train guard roles, were attacked

Statement from Brazilian Women Against Fascism Front UK

Statement from Brazilian Women Against Fascism Front UK

The presidential elections in Brazil are reaching its final stretch. The far right wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro, front runner in the first round of votes and favourite according to the recent pools for the second round, openly proposes an authoritarian and anti-popular programme for the country. Bolsonaro supports the military dictatorship that devastated Brazil for

Fascists flop in Cambridge and Glasgow

Fascists flop in Cambridge and Glasgow

Anti-fascists were out in Cambridge and Glasgow yesterday to confront far-right groups the FLA and SDL, with the latter getting ludicrously low turnouts. Barely 60 people attended the SDL demo, ostensibly about grooming gangs, falling far short of even the 100-person limit which had been imposed by police. By contrast, according to a report from

Glasgow anti-fascists mobilise to see off far-right rally

Glasgow anti-fascists mobilise to see off far-right rally

A demonstration has been called by the Scottish Defence League for tomorrow — but anti-fascists won’t be letting them have it all their own way. The “anti-grooming gangs” protest was called by the far-right group in an effort to capitalise on a grooming gang case in the Four Corners area of the city and will

Italian and Polish neo-nazis join forces to patrol beaches to “protect women from migrants”

Italian and Polish neo-nazis join forces to patrol beaches to “protect women from migrants”

The members of Italian far-right party Forza Nuova (FN), in coalition with Polish neo-nazi group National Radical Camp (Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny, ONR), launched beach patrols in order to “protect women and children from migrants” in the Italian town Rimini. Additionally, the fascists intend to conduct separate patrols in the town, against “migrant drug dealers”. The first

Far-right ‘football lads’ humiliated in Manchester on match day

Far-right ‘football lads’ humiliated in Manchester on match day

After a worryingly large turnout in London earlier this month the much-hyped Football Lads Alliance (FLA) was humiliated yesterday, pulling in barely 300 people to be penned in by police and outmatched by anti-fascists. The FLA rump, already split after an internal argument, was from the start restricted to Castlefield Bowl area by police and

Five injured after attack on Greek anti-fascist center

Five injured after attack on Greek anti-fascist center

Five people were injured and two taken to hospital after Golden Dawn attacked anti-fascist social center in Piraeus in Greece. The attackers smashed their way into the Favela Free Social Centre wearing helmets and chanting slogans in support of the extreme-right part. They screamed “you are going to die” before beating those gathered there for