Freedom News

Anti-racist protesters block Home Office in Cardiff over inhumane treatment of refugees at Welsh military barracks

Anti-racist protesters block Home Office in Cardiff over inhumane treatment of refugees at Welsh military barracks

Two protesters have blockaded the Home Office in Cardiff this morning, holding the Immigration Authority to account for its treatment of refugees in the Penally camp in West Wales. The Home Office has a duty of care to all those who arrive in the UK seeking sanctuary. People staying in the Penally ex-military training camp,

Justice for Mohamud

Justice for Mohamud

On 9th of January, Mohamud Mohammed Hassan was murdered by the South Wales Police in Cardiff. Communities across the city soon rallied to oppose this blatant, horrible act of racism, with a fundraiser for Mohamud’s family reaching its goal of £30,000 within two days, and the hashtag ‘#Justice4Mohamud’ quickly spreading like wildfire throughout social media.

A Oes Heddwch? Welsh peace activism historic and modern

A Oes Heddwch? Welsh peace activism historic and modern

Ahead of Cardiff Stop The Arms Fair protests due tomorrow, Jane Harries writes about some of the peace movement’s historic associations in Wales, and about modern-day movements. At the National Eisteddfod main literature awards, two Druids partly unsheathe a sword above the winning author’s head and ask the audience: ‘A oes Heddwch?’ (‘Is there peace?’) ‘Heddwch!’ (‘Peace!’)

Green groups unite against Aberthaw power station

Green groups unite against Aberthaw power station

Following a recent direct action campaign against Aberthaw coal-fired power station, Europe’s most heavily-polluting utility, campaigners are heading back again this weekend for a major demonstration calling for its closure. The protest is being backed by Reclaim the Power, United Valleys Action Group, Bristol Rising Tide and the Coal Action Network, which are calling for

Aberthaw: Dirty coal plant blockaded

Aberthaw: Dirty coal plant blockaded

Aberthaw coal-fired power station near Barry, South Wales was blockaded today by Reclaim The Power campaigners, who set up tripods on the road leading to the site. The plant is Europe’s dirtiest, and was fined earlier this year by the European Courts of Justice (ECJ) for breaching emissions limits after it put out more than