Freedom News

Support Guarani M’bya in Brazil!

Support Guarani M’bya in Brazil!

If you are able to, please support this important fundraiser by CUAPI –Coletivo Urbano em Apoio aos Povos Indígenas: a collective of indigenous and non-indigenous people with libertarian principles struggling and supporting the Guaranis M’bya people in Brazil. CUAPI writes: “Our actions are based on mutual aid and solidarity, as well as walking side by

Voice from the frontline: Brazil’s antifa firefighters

Voice from the frontline: Brazil’s antifa firefighters

As record-breaking wildfires rage in the rainforest a member of the newly-formed Autonomous Brigade writes for Freedom about its defence of affected people, animals and the environment. Brazil has always suffered from the fires, unfortunately, but what made Brazilian anarchists organise was the emergency situation that is in the biomes of the Pantanal and the

Brazil: In case of fire, burn the landlords and imperialists

Brazil: In case of fire, burn the landlords and imperialists

In this scorching essay, the Brazilian Anarchist Co-ordination (Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira, or CAB) analyse the many steps taken under multiple governments which have led to today’s ruinous arsons of the Amazon — and call for support to flow to the grassroots communities resisting the burners. In August, Brazilian and international society was surprised by a

Book Review: The Cambridge Squatter – architecture, cinema and education

Book Review: The Cambridge Squatter – architecture, cinema and education

Accompaniment to Eliane Caffé’s original film, which blended documentary and fictive elements to tell the story of life at the Cambridge Hotel in São Paulo, Brazil. by Carla Caffé Sold as E-Book [Kobo][Amazon] PP: 242 Publisher: Edições Sesc SP 2017 Based on the film Era o Hotel Cambridge (Hotel Cambridge/The Cambridge Squatter) directed by Carla Caffé

Brazil: More raids on anarchist homes as state crackdown continues

Brazil: More raids on anarchist homes as state crackdown continues

Punitive raids were expanded at the turn of the month, as police continue to try and pin recent incendiary attacks in Porto Alegre on the anarchist movement. Activists in the city reported on November 30th that: Operation Erebo (Operação Érebo) attacked anarchists once again. They invaded some houses, stealing things and destroying everything in their

Brazil: Neoliberal drift and repression of popular movements

Brazil: Neoliberal drift and repression of popular movements

José Luis Carretero Miramar writes on recent Brazilian state crackdowns against anarchists amid increasing fascist confidence, and how social movements are rising to meet it. The social and political situation in Brazil is increasingly compromised. Since Michel Temer’s ascent to power through an institutional and palatial coup the main BRICS representative in Latin America has