Freedom News

Rebuilding the organs of solidarity

Yet again capitalism lurches from crisis to crisis, with the spectre of recession appearing in the consciousness of the media and the State. Inflation is in double figures, and the Bank of England raised interest rates. The constantly rising price of energy and the long, slow, drawn out impact of the barely-planned hard Brexit demanded

Palestine Action expose the UN on ‘Social Justice’ Day for buying Israel’s killer drones

Palestine Action have marked the United Nation’s ‘World Day of Social Justice’ with an action calling out the UN’s hypocrisy: using a banner drop over Westminster Bridge, lighting smoke flares, and delivering a speech stating that UN must cease its procurement of Israeli military drones. The Activists then marched to the United Nations Green, home

BREAKING: former homeless services unit reopened to house climate justice campaigners visiting Glasgow for COP26

A former homeless services unit in central Glasgow has been reopened to house climate justice campaigners visiting the city for the COP29 summit. ‘Baile Hoose’, located in the former Hamish Allan Centre and asylum seekers’ night shelter on Centre Street, offers sleeping space and donated food as colder weather descends on the encampments springing up

Government plans major crackdown on the right to protest

The Conservative government is planning to introduce major changes to public order legislation to crack down on protests, under a new “Protection of the Police and Public Bill” planned for 2021. In September, Home Secretary Priti Patel denounced environmental campaigners Extinction Rebellion as “so-called eco-crusaders turned criminals” at the Police Superintendents’ Association conference and, at

The Movement as Battleground Fighting for the Soul of the Yellow Vest Movement

This analysis of the happenings in France was originally published by Crimethinc on 6th December 2018. In response to Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to increase the tax on fuel for “ecological” reasons, France has experienced several weeks of unrest associated with the yellow vest movement. This grassroots uprising illustrates how the contradictions of modern centrism—such as

Germany: Antifa Blocks AfD Conference

The far right anti- immigration Alternative for Germany  (AfD) party conference was delayed for several hours on Saturday due to protests in the city of Hanover. One of the antifascist call-outs for protest stated: Driven by the grand coalition of CDU and SPD, open authoritarianism has become acceptable again in recent years. The racist negotiation