Freedom News

The free speech article Spiked Online didn’t carry today

Theresa May announced yesterday that web firms could get just two hours to take down “terrorist content” or face fines — our esteemed editor of poorly-conceived ranting Brandon the Gnoll has the latest hot take. Everyone’s smashing the internet. From tabloid hotheads sledgehammering ISPs and search engines to plummy MPs at Westminster demanding the removal of

Hamburg mayor threatens radical sites as Berlin squat rallies against cop siege

Intense pressure is being put on German radical social centres in Hamburg and Berlin in the wake of last month’s G20 protests, with Hamburg’s mayor threatening Rote Flora and a round the clock siege of Teppichfabrik, which has prompted a solidarity rally in the capital today. The gathering, in front of the squatted centre in Berlin’s

‘Fifth Act’ marks Chile insurrectionists’ embrace of Project Nemesis

At the end of last year one of Europe’s most infamous insurrectionist anarchist groups, Conspiracy Cells of Fire, announced it would be shifting tactics in its near-decade long campaign against the Greek State in a campaign it dubbed Project Nemesis. The group, which has claimed upwards of 300 attacks against “targets of domination” since it

France: The Intergalactic Week of Zad

The quiet, wildlife-filled countryside just outside Notre-Dame-des-Landes, north of Nantes has been a point of massive contention between various French governments and the country’s environmental direct action movement since 2008, when permission was granted to build a €580 million airport serving as “the international gateway” to Western France. Squats and camps sprung up on fields due