Freedom News

Greece: Free Transportation For All: A paradigmatic anarchist campaign in the difficult years of Syriza

Greece: Free Transportation For All: A paradigmatic anarchist campaign in the difficult years of Syriza

In early 2016 in Athens, a far-reaching campaign begun with a fairly modest announcement: “Free Transportation for All”. The campaign started with a few initial actions that grabbed headlines, such as the intervention at the OASA (Athens Mass Transit System) office and the destruction of ticket machines at several stations. Since then, the campaign has

Greece: Elleniko refugee camp comes out on hunger strike

Greece: Elleniko refugee camp comes out on hunger strike

A majority of the adults being held at Elleniko II refugee camp in the former Athens National Airport are refusing to eat in protest against conditions at the site — and confronted Minister of Migration Mouzoulas earlier today, according to migrant support network infomobile. More camps at nearby former Olympic buildings, including the baseball and hockey stadiums, are