Freedom News

What the hell is happening in Poland? 

I’m assuming you all already know that a massive protest movement took over Poland since last Thursday when the country’s constitutional tribunal ruled that abortion carried out when the foetus is malformed is against the constitution. By delivering this decision, the tribunal effectively delegalised abortion in Poland. The protests started immediately after the verdict and,

D I Why?: Because we gotta!

As Ruth Kinna reminded us lately in issue 11 of Dope magazine, John Lydon of the Sex Pistols has openly confessed that he was never an anarchist. And nobody anywhere was actually surprised. Anarchy — like sex, revolution and rock ‘n’ roll — sells. The Malcolm McLaren Money Machine had very little to do with

Don’t despair, organise!: Reading Red Kitchen

Like many homeless people during the lockdown, asylum-seeking migrants are being bundled into cramped hotels. With their asylum allowance confiscated, they rely on 2 x plain pasta meals and weird small shampoo sachets. Mums can’t buy nappies. People can’t buy pants. The food is horrendous. They are bored, depressed and have no autonomy. There’s blatant

International Non-Binary People’s Day and the Struggle for Wider Revolution

International Non-Binary People’s Day fell on Tuesday 14th July this year, and much like all days and weeks and months for the queer community, social media sites were flooded with colourful illustrations and impactful personal reflections relating to the non-binary experience. It wasn’t my initial plan to write about this day, but as I realised

Don’t Despair, Organise! An introduction to the (yet-unnamed) confederation of Solidarity Funds

The following text was contributed to Freedom by a person involved in Goose Green Solidarity Fund: a newly formed organisation for people who live in SE22 and are struggling financially as a result of COVID-19. What is a solidarity fund? It’s a pot of money that in our case comes from the community and sometimes

E.A.Z: the Everyday Autonomous Zone

One of the most beautiful banners I ever saw was designed by a working-class activist named Af. He had previously worked at a brickyard in Maltby, but one payday he cashed in his wages and used them to travel around India for six months. Upon his return he became the ‘Guru of Norfolk Park’. Norfolk