Freedom News

“Anarchism” is just a name- a review of Anarchism and the Black Revolution and The Nation on No Map: Black Anarchism and Abolition

“Anarchism” is just a name-  a review of Anarchism and the Black Revolution and The Nation on No Map: Black Anarchism and Abolition

Anarchism and the Black Revolution by Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin Pluto Press The Nation on No Map: Black Anarchism and Abolition by William C. Anderson AK Press, publication date 22 April 2022 In Summer 2017, as white nationalists prepared to march on Charlottesville, Virginia, the FBI announced its intention to tackle a new and growing menace

Moving statues and perverse verdicts

Moving statues and perverse verdicts

The Colston Statue puller-downers have been acquitted. This is patently a GOOD THING. But what does it mean for future defendants? There have been cases in the past where Juries have defied Judges. John Lilburne was twice acquitted by juries during the Commonwealth but Oliver Cromwell locked him up anyhow. In 1833 a Jury recorded

Movements First, Solutions Later

Movements First, Solutions Later

Netpol’s Kevin Blowe argues that Britain’s nascent abolitionist movement needs to focus its energy into long-term grassroots organising, not top-down academic debate. Ever since the rebirth of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, it has been far from clear that the demand to “defund the police” will resonate in Britain as it has in



1981, 2017, 2020 In the 39 years since Menelik Shabazz documented the Black People’s Day of Action in the aftermath of the New Cross massacre, in his seminal documentary ‘Blood ah go Run’, what has changed for Black British people? Black and brown people still perish by flame; as we witnessed in the abject events

International Non-Binary People’s Day and the Struggle for Wider Revolution

International Non-Binary People’s Day and the Struggle for Wider Revolution

International Non-Binary People’s Day fell on Tuesday 14th July this year, and much like all days and weeks and months for the queer community, social media sites were flooded with colourful illustrations and impactful personal reflections relating to the non-binary experience. It wasn’t my initial plan to write about this day, but as I realised