Freedom News

Spain: CNT takes on farm exploitation in Andalusia

Covid has presented particular problems for seasonal farm workers this year, and CNT Adra is planning to fight back. In the below statement the anarcho-syndicalist union outlines the situation and its demands. The unions of CNT Andalusia are placing a focus of union action in a sector that is important in our community — agriculture. The

Spain: What is behind the campaign against squatting?

A moral panic has been emerging about the “threat” of mass squatting in Spain, but what’s the reality? Ctxt considers the situation. Breakfast brings alarming news: Squatting is still going on, the insecurity of everyone (as we are all owners) is at its highest. A security company advertises on the radio: “Burglary and squatting alarm

Syndicalist unions and Covid-era resistance: A CIT roundup

The anarcho-syndicalist international, founded in 2018, looks at workplace struggle in its branches worldwide and calls for the building of new forms of solidarity amid the lockdowns. With the corona crisis, the world has suddenly entered a new phase of intense class struggle. This is impressively documented by a map of (for the most part) wildcat strikes

Sex workers are under attack– feminists everywhere need to support us

It was the day after International Women’s Day and I was tired, obviously, but also feeling good about pulling off another strike for the 3rd year in a row in London. I went on twitter looking for photos of our actions, and found something heart-breaking instead: In the Spanish state, my sex working combabes had

Travelling to the COP25 summit in Madrid? Make sure you know your rights

If you are planning to travel from Britain to protests at the United Nations COP25 climate change conference in Madrid, which begins next week, it is important that you know about the Spanish state’s approach to freedom of assembly and in particular the extremely draconian Basic Law for the Protection of Public Security (Ley Orgánica

Anarcho-Syndicalist Workers’ Revolution in Catalonia

   In an interview with world famous Dutch-Canadian journalist Pierre Van Paassen, Anarcho-Syndicalist leader and Spanish Loyalist general Buenaventura Durruti said:       “We are giving Hitler and Mussolini far more worry with our revolution than the whole Red Army of Russia. We are setting an example to the German and Italian working class on how to