The July 1913 issue of Freedom features a lengthy article hooked on a major strike of agricultural workers in Ormskirk
Radical Reprint: The Land and the Labourer

The July 1913 issue of Freedom features a lengthy article hooked on a major strike of agricultural workers in Ormskirk
Covid has presented particular problems for seasonal farm workers this year, and CNT Adra is planning to fight back. In the below statement the anarcho-syndicalist union outlines the situation and its demands. The unions of CNT Andalusia are placing a focus of union action in a sector that is important in our community — agriculture. The
Creditors who had taken over the Spargel Ritter asparagus farm in Bornheim, Bonn, thought they could get away without paying what they owed to low-waged workers, but a solid campaign organised with the FAU syndicalist union soon disabused them of that notion. The trouble with Spargel Ritter started two months before picking season was due