Freedom News

Natural Born Liberationists

Natural Born Liberationists

Thoughts from the TLC on a new study which looks at how time and culture changes the way we look at, and interact with, other animals. There’s a famous vegan thought experiment which asks people to envisage putting a rabbit and a strawberry in a pushchair with a small child. We’d expect to see the

Between Brock and a Hard Place: Campers stage intervention to save badger setts from destruction in Brighton stand-off

Between Brock and a Hard Place: Campers stage intervention to save badger setts from destruction in Brighton stand-off

A month ago, just after New Year, a group of youth climate activists took land on Coldean Lane in Brighton. They put up a treehouse in opposition to developers plans to fell healthy trees and destroy active badger setts. Calling the camp ARC (Active Resistance Coldean) and maintaining a presence round the clock it looked

The Beagle Has Landed

The Beagle Has Landed

Over 4,000 dogs are killed every year in laboratories in the U.K, often after long and painful toxicology experiments. 2,000 of those dogs are bred at Marshall Bio Resources, a compound containing industrial units in Cambridgeshire. At 16 weeks old this company ships beagles that have never seen the light of day off to laboratories.

Poland criminalises hunt sabotage

Poland criminalises hunt sabotage

The Polish parliament had voted through a new law effectively criminalising hunt sabotage. The law still needs to be approved by Poland’s president, who is unlikely to veto it. According to the new bill, people found “intentionally obstructing a hunt” will be a subject to a punishment of up to one-year imprisonment. The punishment for

The Badger Cull: Not Just About Badgers

The Badger Cull: Not Just About Badgers

September 8th marked the start of another season of Badger Culling, a practice deemed by most to be both unwanted and unnecessary. Last year’s pilot was an unmitigated disaster for the Government, whose attempts to appease dairy farmers and the NFU led to an eight week extension which still only resulted in 39% of the

Green Anarchism: Towards the Abolition of Hierarchy

Green Anarchism: Towards the Abolition of Hierarchy

Freedom presents an essay intended as an introduction to ‘green anarchism’ and the ways in which it can challenge hierarchies. In the last few decades new forms of activism have begun to emerge that concerned not merely the fate of human society, but of the non-human world – including non-human animals and the environment –