Freedom News

Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade

Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade

A group of students at the University of Sheffield have occupied the Diamond (a prominent engineering building) to protest the University’s relationship with arms companies. The University claims to have divested from arms companies, calling investment in them irresponsible. Despite this, they have failed to cut all ties with the arms trade by still receiving

The Zad of the Link: call to join ZAD du LIEN

The Zad of the Link: call to join ZAD du LIEN

The ‘L.I.E.N’ [“la liaison intercantonale d’évitement du nord” – The Northern Bypass or LINK in English] is the latest section of motorway scheduled for construction around Montpellier, France. For 30 years, residents and activists have fought against this project which would see a river of concrete plough through some of the last green spaces around

10,000 march in Thessaloniki after police siege of university

10,000 march in Thessaloniki after police siege of university

Campaigners against a new government law allowing police to attack university grounds had been occupying the Aristotle University’s Rector’s Office, until a dawn raid yesterday. On Thursday morning the Greek police assaulted the cops off campus occupation, which had been running for 18 days as part of escalating action against the New Democracy Party’s attempt

Two, Three, Many ZADs

Two, Three, Many ZADs

A ZAD means a “zone to defend” (zone à défendre in French). These environmental protest occupations have recorded successes such as preventing an airport near Nantes and a dam in the region of Toulouse. This a roundup of recent ZAD news. In July this year, activists from ANV-COP21 and Extinction Rebellion occupied land in Besançon

Indigenous sovereignty supporters stage sit-in at KKR & Co. in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation

Indigenous sovereignty supporters stage sit-in at KKR & Co. in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation

Early this morning, dozens of indigenous sovereignity supporters occupied the London offices of investment firm KKR, in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation who are facing violent, militarized attacks at the hands of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Coastal GasLink (CGL), and the Canadian state. Armed with #wetsuwetenstrong signs, banners and the backing of thousands

The occupation of Tidemill Garden in Deptford

The occupation of Tidemill Garden in Deptford

Echoing the combined efforts of squatters and residents to fight local councils and developers of the 2014/2015 period, Tidemill Garden in Deptford has been occupied since Wednesday the 29th of August, in resistance to Lewisham Council’s plans to redevelop the area, displacing residents and destroying the garden. Tidemill Garden is a community garden located on