Freedom News

Brian Morris and the anarchist idea

Brian Morris’s work as an academic over many decades has taken in everything from how cultures name things to how they interact with nature, religion and the concept of self. Since the 1960s he has also been active as an anarchist and has taken a particular interest in social ecology. Brian has written for many

10 years of S144

10 years ago the government criminalised squatting in residential property, taking away the ability to make use of empty property best designed for living. This was done sneakily by adding it on to a bill already most of the way through parliament, and which was otherwise attacking legal aid and increasing punishments for the poor.

Upcoming titles on anarchism

Across the broader anarchist and left publishing industry there’s a number of books coming out over the next few months on the subject of anarchism which may be worth keeping an eye out for. Some titles, particularly from AK and PM, will be released in ebook format but may not initially by available as paperbacks,

Interview with a Finnish anarchist

Yavor Tarinski of Greek libertarian journal Aftoleksi interviews Antti Rautiainen, from Finnish antiauthoritarian group A-ryhmä, on the latest developments in Finland as it applies for Nato membership. YT: Hello, can you introduce yourself (where are you from, where you participate)? AR: I live in Helsinki, Finland, and participate in local anarchist group A-ryhmä, which was

Germany: Rounding up the Munich Raids

Bavarian comrades round up details on what happened at the end of last month, when police raids against anarchist-linked apartments and spaces, including the Frevel library, took place in Munich. On Tuesday April 26 coordinated raids were carried out against anarchists from Munich, on charges of forming a criminal organisation (§129). Four apartments were searched (two