Freedom News

The direction of radical movements – on Nuit Debout and the potential for radical change

Within radical politics, there are many opportunities for political action. There are, from all corners, suggestions on how to get involved, what to do, and where to go. These outlooks tend to be rooted in historical circumstances. It seems that today the converse is happening: we are forgetting that our actions today will make history,

When Marches Work

By Graham of East London Radical Assembly and London Anarchist Federation The left loves marching. At their best, marches can be invigorating, unifying, and help to bring new people into active struggle. They can also be a massive waste of time and resources, make next to no impact, and serve largely to demoralise and demobilise. So what

Only working-class self-organisation will kill the housing bill

With the Housing Bill about to come into effect, conditions are looking bleak for the working class. The Bill follows a plethora of attacks on poor people, the most notable of which are the benefit cap and the bedroom tax, not to mention the 2012 ban of residential squatting. Last year saw a record number

This Black December

Banners are dropped across the first and fourth wings of the Korydallos Prison in Greece. Weeks earlier, prisoners, including hunger-striker Nikos Romanos, called for a “detonator for the restart of anarchist insurgency, inside and outside the prisons” in the stirring insurrectionist communique ‘For a Black December’. The banners ring true: “Insurrection is always timely”, as

‘North of the Watford Gap’: Resistance beyond Central London

You are holding a black-and-white photograph. It shows a woman holding a union placard. It shows a picket line, scab vans, Labour politicos, a man dirty and tired from his work. You are holding the narrative of industrial working-class struggle. You put down the photograph and pick another history. The struggles of non-London working-class communities

Hipsterphobia Sails Close to Homophobia and Gendered Norms [3/3]

This the final article from Cava Sunday’s blog on anti-hipster politics, reposted with permission. This has been really difficult to write. I have been poring over it for days trying to make what seemed to be gutteral, knee-jerk reactions seem more intelligible. I keep switching tenses, persons and so on. But Ive decided to get

From the Land of Proudhon, vol. 4

Karl Marx: Not Infallible The French Marxist philosopher Étienne Balibar, a pupil of Louis Althuser, published in 1993 The Philosophy of Marx. This text is now, after twenty years, republished. In a new introduction, he asks”: what is the purpose of the re-published book? Balibar says ‘in order to understand Marx in the 21st century he

An Afterlife to Capitalism?

  After a recent conversation with friends regarding the future of religion in a post-revolutionary setting, I wanted to write this article to address some of the issues I have, even as an atheist, with the abolitionist narrative of religion and its mindset which still remains as colonialist as it did a century ago, with