Freedom News

Class War call for Rich Doors protest

Class War call for Rich Doors protest

Following the success of the “Poor Doors” series of protests a few years back, Class War is organising a “Rich Door” action next Saturday at 2pm 29th August in front of 1-18 York Terrace East, Regents Park in central London. Class War is calling for all who are able to turn up for, hopefully, a

This week in Class War Daily

This week in Class War Daily

It’s been another busy week for Class War Daily: the world’s only daily anarchist newspaper (we think; please feel free to alert us to any others). Here’s a quick round-up of what they’ve been covering. Monday 20th April The Daily led with an open letter to UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care,

fck govt fuck boris demo: account #2

fck govt fuck boris demo: account #2

Following an account on Fck Boris Fck Government demo published by Freedom News on Friday, we have received a few more. Here is one of them. It’s being eight years since I put a bet on Boris Johnson becoming prime minister in the form of a weak hand shake, as a documentary photographer photographing protests

Class War’s Poor Doors Victory – An Insider’s View

Class War’s Poor Doors Victory – An Insider’s View

In July 2014 a number of people from Class War had gathered in South Norwood for the opening of the Sensible Garden, a strip of unused land reclaimed by the South Norwood Tourist Board for the community. One of them was angry, which I guess isn’t too unusual for Class War. On this particular occasion

Interview: Bristol Class War in the 1980s

Interview: Bristol Class War in the 1980s

In this chat with a former Class War member, the Kate Sharpley Library discusses deindustrialisation, upheavals in the 1980s and thumbing the nose against Thatcher’s new normal. Can you tell us a bit about where you came from? I grew up in a town in the west of England during the 1970s. It was an