Freedom News

Prisoners respond with cheers to protest surrounding HMP Full Sutton

Prisoners respond with cheers to protest surrounding HMP Full Sutton

Around fifty people descended on HMP Full Sutton, East Yorkshire, in a historic demonstration on Saturday 5th June. Campaign groups are demanding an end to racist violence against incarcerated men of colour Kevan Thakrar and Dwayne Fulgence, and an end to the 1440-bed ‘mega prison’ expansion plan, which has been opposed by the local community

This Black December

This Black December

Banners are dropped across the first and fourth wings of the Korydallos Prison in Greece. Weeks earlier, prisoners, including hunger-striker Nikos Romanos, called for a “detonator for the restart of anarchist insurgency, inside and outside the prisons” in the stirring insurrectionist communique ‘For a Black December’. The banners ring true: “Insurrection is always timely”, as