Freedom News

Sophia Kropotkin (and a trip to Hartlepool)

Sophia Kropotkin (and a trip to Hartlepool)

Notes and an extract on the life of an under-researched figure of revolutionary Europe. There are many frustrating aspects of researching the lives of historic women revolutionaries. While many were extraordinary thinkers they were usually relegated to supporting roles, often through the outright sexism of male tastemakers, insidious “cultural standards” of the time which systematically

Book Extract: Invisible

Book Extract: Invisible

In the following extract from Invisible: A Diary of Rough Sleeping in Britain released today by Freedom Press, Andrew Fraser writes on the phenomenon of “angry charitable giving” which many homeless people experience. November 8th | East London I was sitting at a freezing cold Tube station with my friend Andreas the other night when

Book extract: Deep Ecology and Anarchism

Book extract: Deep Ecology and Anarchism

Marking the run-up to the launch of deep ecology and anarchism at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair on October 28th, below is the latter part of an essay by Robert Hart, a founding mover of the forest gardening and permaculture movements. The main cause of the ecological crisis is not the “population explosion,” as many