A historical tale in which South African miners strike while Herbert Gladstone fiddles.
Tag: Strikes
Radical Reprint: The Land and the Labourer
The July 1913 issue of Freedom features a lengthy article hooked on a major strike of agricultural workers in Ormskirk
UVW cleaners and NEU teachers in coordinated strike action
Negotiations have broken down and the cleaners will join forces with striking NEU teacher members on the 5 and 7 July.
Amazon cleaners to lead coordinated strike action
“We are all frustrated and we are overworked, our demands are just and fair. They don’t talk to us right, they talk to us like children.”
Postal workers have made history
CWU members in Royal Mail Group have delivered the biggest ever return in a major national strike ballot. YES 95.9% TURNOUT 77.3% Summary of the dispute: After returning very large majorities for action in national ballots, CWU members in Royal Mail took 18 days of strike action during the second half of 2022 over pay
Solidarity action in our schools holds key to victory
In the Department for Education (DfE)’s “Handling strike action in schools” document, the government has indicated that it “expects the headteacher to take all reasonable steps to keep the school open for as many pupils as possible’ on upcoming National Education Union (NEU) strike days. However, headteachers do not have to follow such advice, due
Charity workers in Birmingham join December’s Calendar of Chaos
Workers at the Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team (ASIRT) charity in Birmingham have announced they will take strike action on 21 December in response to a range of issues with the management of the charity and a refusal to recognise their trade union of choice. The striking workers, members of the United Voices of
It’s all out for a new wave of strikes
Tube engineering worker and RMT rep Andy Littlechild writes on the background and forming of the latest strike wave, building the wave to a tsunami, and our broader need for community defence. So complex is the situation we’ve been in over the last six months; with such an amount and range of strikes occurring, that
First Round to the Bar
So the Barristers Strike is off and all decent law breaking protestors can look forward to being sent down with the benefit of proper legal representation. There’s been a deal. But is the law book half open or half shut? “Result is in. The future of the criminal Bar now depends upon trusting this government.
Agency workers during strikes – another dark day for UK employment law
MPs have recently voted in favour, 289-202, to allow for agency workers to be brought into a workplace by an employer during strike action, effectively circumventing the loss of the labour force during strikes. The proposed law, ‘’The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses (Amendment) Regulations 2022’’ would remove the law’s current prevention of