Freedom News

Bonn: former Iranian embassy squatted and evicted

The former Iranian embassy in Bonn was recently squatted in solidarity with political activism, feminist struggles and prisoner rights in Iran. Unfortunately it has now been evicted. It was occupied on International Women’s Day, Thursday March 8, and was raided by over one hundred riot cops one week later. Apparently the building no longer had

Tresspass Journal Issue 2

Our friends from Trespass Journal sent in their recent issue.  It is in depth, multilingual publication about issues of squatting all over the World. In my humble opinion, it is more than worth a read, especially the text about Hong Kong. Here is the text Trespass collective sent to us. The link to the full

Amsterdam: ADM Squat wins in court!

In a rather unexpected twist of events, yesterday afternoon Raad van State, the Dutch High Court for administrative law, decided that ADM squat in Amsterdam will not be evicted for the time being and is safe until at least  Summer 2018, when the appeal court case will take place. The Hight Court decision is an

Greece: Libertatia occupied centre burned by fascists

Members of a mass nationalist rally in Thessaloniki attacked and burned a squatted social centre Libertatia in the city today, though fortunately no injuries have been reported. The building was however completely destroyed in the fire, despite of residents from a neighbouring block of flats and the fire brigade trying to extinguish it. The two-storey building

London: Embassy of Conscience occupied centre evicted

Following a court hearing on January 14th the Utopian Bohemians group has been ousted from their latest squatted social project in part of the Congo Embassy. The Bohemians, who have been connected to multiple occupations across London over the last few years including last year’s Belgravia squat campaign of multimillion pound buildings, had been running