On Tuesday, two people were arrested in A Coruña in relation to the events that occurred during the eviction of A Insumisa social centre. The arrests follow the social centre eviction conducted in late May when the local police turned up at the door, and were met with locals gathered outside to defend the space. During the eviction there have been police charges that have resulted in injuries. The police also used tear gas.
One of the arrestees was released without charges while the other was remanded in custody accused of causing disorder, assault and inciting violence. The prosecution claims that she hit a cop with a flag during the charge the police made against the squatters. In that brutal police attack, carried out with extendable truncheons and pepper spray, the municipal police injured dozens of people, with one needing nine stitches on their head. After the brutal eviction, the local municipality allegedly awarded the police with a pay rise.
The person in police custody will not be released on bail until at least Monday. In the worst case scenario, she is facing up to 15 years in prison. The police is currently looking for three other individuals they allege committed crimes during the eviction.
Yesterday, the local activists held a solidarity rally in front of the court. The bigger protest is planned for tomorrow evening.
Photo and source: A las Barricadas