Freedom News

Update on Publico Bookshop attack

On Thursday 2nd May, the day after major Mayday demonstrations, a comrade from the French Fédération Anarchiste was attacked in the FA’s Parisian infoshop and bookstore Publico by a man in his mid 40’s armed with a knife. The attacker came at Christophe while he was packing books and hit him so violently with his

ADM squatted centre evicted

Dutch authorities ignored a UN ruling protecting the social centre today to brutally clear the area with riot police, private security and heavy machinery. Photojournalist Dave Beech was at the eviction and reported to Freedom that the “situation as I know it is the site has now been cleared … they came in fast and

ADM eviction: Amsterdam ignores UN request

Last week we reported that, following a years-long legal battle, ADM squat in Amsterdam has been granted an interim measure request by the UN Human Rights Council requesting the City of Amsterdam not to evict the site until the Council considers its residents’ case. According to international criminal lawyer and professor at the University of

Amsterdam: ADM Squat wins in court!

In a rather unexpected twist of events, yesterday afternoon Raad van State, the Dutch High Court for administrative law, decided that ADM squat in Amsterdam will not be evicted for the time being and is safe until at least  Summer 2018, when the appeal court case will take place. The Hight Court decision is an