Freedom News

Violent robberies and deportations of refugees in Greece’s Evros region

Violent robberies and deportations of refugees in Greece’s Evros region

CW: graphic images and descriptions of violence and sexual assault. “When my 20-year-old son arrived in Greece, instead of being able to claim asylum, he was arrested by police, he had with him our family’s savings, 7,000 euros, and his Syrian passport — all were stolen from him. He was so badly beaten — he was hospitalised for a

Germany: brutal treatment of arrested antifascists

Germany: brutal treatment of arrested antifascists

According to a statement issued yesterday by the Rote Hilfe OG Leipzig, a worrying incident occurred last month in Germany. On the evening of 25th April in south part of Leipzig, a riot police unit seized four young people who were spray-painting walls with slogans against a neo-nazi Mayday march to be held in another

France: March against police killings unites the left

France: March against police killings unites the left

Over a hundred organisations from around the world, including a number of anarchist groups and British organisations, are backing the callout for a massive march in Paris to take place on March 19th against police brutality. Led by the families of people who have died at the hands of police and following on from weeks of