Freedom News

Book Extract: Invisible

Book Extract: Invisible

In the following extract from Invisible: A Diary of Rough Sleeping in Britain released today by Freedom Press, Andrew Fraser writes on the phenomenon of “angry charitable giving” which many homeless people experience. November 8th | East London I was sitting at a freezing cold Tube station with my friend Andreas the other night when

Building in central London occupied for homeless shelter

Building in central London occupied for homeless shelter

A building in Central London was squatted today in order to provide shelter for homeless people. The group who took this action writes: Since temperatures are so low and homelessness is still a big issue, some people came to an idea of opening a safe space shelter available to everyone! So the building is at

Wealth blinds our rulers to the truth about homelessness

Wealth blinds our rulers to the truth about homelessness

Recently the National Audit Office (NAO) published a study which was of surprise to no-one — notwithstanding the blustering pretend humbug of neoliberals and Tories — showing that welfare cuts cause homelessness to rise. Not so long ago, this would have been a “well duh” report which would itself have risked being written off as

Manchester homeless call out council ‘one way ticket’ scandal

Manchester homeless call out council ‘one way ticket’ scandal

Following revelations that Manchester Council has spent £10,000 on one-way tickets to push rough sleepers out of the city, activists have been expressing their disdain for executives’ excuses that the measure is aimed at “reconnecting” people with relatives who can help. In a statement, Manchester Activist Network (MAN), which has been heavily involved in homeless

Solidarity call for man hospitalised while protecting mum and child from EDL

Solidarity call for man hospitalised while protecting mum and child from EDL

A grassroots aid group called for solidarity donations yesterday to help a man who was hospitalised when he tried to protect a woman and her young daughter from EDL thugs. The largest EDL rally in some time rampaged through Manchester on Sunday, breaking through police lines and intimidating people in the centre of the city, including abuse

Protests and occupation in Glasgow and Edinburgh attack Scottish housing troubles

Protests and occupation in Glasgow and Edinburgh attack Scottish housing troubles

Two protests in Scotland’s biggest cities today have highlighted the damaging impacts on homelessness of the Benefits Cap and Glasgow Council’s failure to deal with its rough sleeping problems. In Edinburgh, an Our Welfare-called rally saw campaigners occupy Edinburgh Council’s city meeting chambers singing “we shall not be moved” in support of 11 families, including 42 children who