Freedom News

Drone factory shut down trial begins

Drone factory shut down trial begins

In April last year, two activists locked-on to the gates of the Leicester drone company UAV Tactical Systems (UTACS), a subsidiary of Israel’s largest weapons firm Elbit Systems. The activists fixed their bodies to the lock-on, rendering access to the site impossible. The activists were arrested later that day, having shut the factory down entirely

Campaign squats hit Leicester and Oxford as Apollo House resists eviction

Campaign squats hit Leicester and Oxford as Apollo House resists eviction

Campaigners against homelessness in Leicester have shifted from the city’s Jubilee Square to the grounds of its oldest medieval house as the weather gets more damp and cold, calling for the government to end its deadly cuts to support services. The Leicester Homelessness Party group’s action comes just days after another group, Wadham Help Homeless, occupied an