Freedom News

Spain: Comments on the general election

Spain: Comments on the general election

With the left and right deadlocked, syndicalist union the CGT notes the far-right is no less of a threat for its failure to enter government and whoever wins, improvements can’t be expected for the working class without direct struggle. On July 23rd we saw new political elections in Spain and, as always, it was not

Do not vote, it only encourages them

Do not vote, it only encourages them

Cartoonist and longtime Freedom contributor Donald Rooum has seen more “radical” governments than today’s offerings come and go, and has a little reminder for people who get too excited by Statist “democracy.” Do not believe the media which exhort you to vote for Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn. Only a very small minority, of about 100,000

Why I’m not voting – I represent myself

Why I’m not voting – I represent myself

Jon Bigger reflects on his experiences, as a voter, non-voter and even Class War candidate, with general elections Two years ago today (May 7th) I turned up at a polling station in Croydon and put a cross next to my name. This time round I’m not even on the electoral register. I’ve had an odd