Freedom News

Calling All Creatives (who are less talented than me)

An exciting opportunity has come about to see your writing, which you labour over tirelessly and painfully, be turned into a bite-sized lovely tidbit about people communicating in a socially distanced world. The BBC, in light of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, is battening down the hatches, shoring up the rigging, and sending out our best

Projects and events for radicals this January

As we enter the New Year and days start to get longer again it’s time to get ourselves off the sofa and start Getting Involved. There’s a possible strike brewing with Sandwell bin workers, UCU strike ballots are due to close towards the end of the month if there’s no progress with talks and The

The Social Centre Bulletin: GAS and bookfairs

Is there really anywhere else quite like a good social centre? Peter Ó’Máille considers the value of rebel community hubs and updates on what’s happening in our libertarian networks. Whether heady with punky vibes and revolution like the Red and Black Umbrella (pictured above) was or more holistic community focused like Nottingham’s Sumac with its

Justified Resistance in the Face of Catastrophe

What acts of resistance are justified in the face of an overwhelming injustice? The resistance of the rebel or revolutionary is weighed against the costs imposed by the oppressor: destroyed lives, damaged livelihoods, and affronts to human dignity. The scale and scope of the oppression, in each instance, calls forth a reciprocal and necessary response.

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Environment Just when you thought you’d heard every possible turn of oafish lunacy which the Trump gang could come up with in trying to respond to climate change, take a look

The Movement as Battleground Fighting for the Soul of the Yellow Vest Movement

This analysis of the happenings in France was originally published by Crimethinc on 6th December 2018. In response to Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to increase the tax on fuel for “ecological” reasons, France has experienced several weeks of unrest associated with the yellow vest movement. This grassroots uprising illustrates how the contradictions of modern centrism—such as

Ten Top Radical Grassroots Football Clubs

Most football clubs start as grassroots clubs. Man City and Celtic were founded by churches. Man Utd and Arsenal were works team. Across the UK, and the World, almost all football clubs are grassroots clubs, run for the love of football, scraping money together, knowing they and or their players will never hit the big