Freedom News

Good gravy not another bloody election…

As I write, a million words are being typed on the same subject as quickly as fingers can slam downwards, in a quest to shovel something regarding Theresa May’s election plans onto front pages around the world within the next few minutes. The hottest of takes are being prepared, barely thought-through analysis and nuggets of

Festung Europa: Discrimination Against Roma Rife In Eastern Europe

The tragedy and desperation of this summer’s Mediterranean human trafficking has slowly drawn blood even from the stone of David Cameron’s largely retiring isolationism, and united an unsteady Europe in sharing the humanitarian responsibility, or the accompanying rhetoric at least. The major parties have been joined in sympathy. There could be no other response. The savagery

What does moving online mean for Freedom?

Rich Cross – long-time Freedom reader and writer and author of the anarchist punk blog The Hippies Now Wear Black – reflects on the end of an era for Freedom…


Media hypocrisy in the Snowden case We’ve all become accustomed to hearing about Edward Snowden and the NSA scandal. In fact, it’s almost become a daily ritual: checking major news outlets and discovering new revelations which never seem to fail in shocking us with the extent and invasiveness of what’s been called the ‘national security