Freedom News

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Racism The Supreme Court continued its pernicious ‘business’ this month and last. The most egregious of its other deadly and destructive deeds are further described later in this month’s ‘Notes from

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Being mindful of Godwin’s law – let’s justify the increased use of the ‘f word’ recently in ‘Notes from the US’. Fascism Over the last hundred years or so, a consensus

Notes from the US: Disinformed and dying

This month’s missive again concentrates on the worsening situation in the country as a result of resistance and refusal to follow public health guidelines mostly inspired by disinformation and partisan lies in response to the worsening Covid-19 pandemic. Most metrics are now consistently at their highest since the pandemic’s inception in January last year. Environment

International anarchist statement on the centenary of the 1921 Kronstadt Uprising

Today marks the 100th annviersary of the beginning of the Kronstadt uprising. Here, we reprint a statement, signed by 20 libertarian communist organisations, which looks at the events of March 1921 and their meaning for libertarians today. 100 Years Since the Kronstadt Uprising To Remember Means to Fight! International anarchist statement on the centenary of

Kropotkin: Syndicalism and Anarchism

The following long read first appeared in Freedom’s July and August issues in 1912, as the Great Unrest was in full swing. He discusses the differences between northern and southern European attitudes, and the problems caused by a failure to push into revolutionary territory. I We are asked on many sides: “What is Syndicalism? What

The Bid to Build the Archipelago as an Internetwork of Adversarial Friendship: A Critical Reading of Bas Umali’s Essays

Pangayaw and Decolonizing Resistance: Anarchism in the Philippines Author: Bas Umali Editor: Gabriel Kuhn PM Press 2020 ISBN: 9781629637945 A desire to read a book critically is similar to translating: it bridges a gap and weaves together a fabric between text, author, and reader, especially when the importance of difference is not overlooked. The difficulties

ABC Belarus calls for week of solidarity with anarchists and antifascists of Belarus

Below, Freedom reproduces the callout released by ABC Belarus, urging for a week of solidarity with anarchists and antifascists persecuted by the regime of Alexander Lukashenko to take place 23-30 November. Anarchists have always stood up against tyranny and dictatorship, regardless of the colour of the flag raised by authoritarianism over this or that corner

Support revolution in Belarus

ABC Belarus has set up a fundraiser to support anarchists in their struggle against the authoritarian regime of Alexander Lukashenko. Below, Freedom publishes their callout for donations. For over three months, people in Belarus have been fighting against the authoritarian regime. In 26 years, dictator Lukashenko has built a system aimed at suppressing any political

Against anarcho-smugness

As Corbyn’s suspension from the Labour Party occasions yet another wave of anarcho-smugness, Anna K. takes aim at the strange self-satisfaction of our politically irrelevant movement. On December 13th 2019, the day after the General Election, I had the grave misfortune of being behind the till at Freedom Bookshop. To be clear, my misfortune lay

History: Baltic and Polish anarchism at the end of the 19th century

At the beginning of the twentieth century, anarchist anti-State ideals were most widely felt in what were then the western regions of the Russian Empire. This reflected both their proximity to the fast-changing social conflicts of Europe and the presence of significant national and cultural tensions within the occupied territories. Of great importance, in particular,