Freedom News

Calling All Creatives (who are less talented than me)

Calling All Creatives (who are less talented than me)

An exciting opportunity has come about to see your writing, which you labour over tirelessly and painfully, be turned into a bite-sized lovely tidbit about people communicating in a socially distanced world. The BBC, in light of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, is battening down the hatches, shoring up the rigging, and sending out our best

Institutional bias: The BBC and climate change damage

Institutional bias: The BBC and climate change damage

David Edwards and David Cromwell contrast Big Media and Auntie Beeb’s coverage of Hurricane Harvey and the South Asian floods, where a Western disaster gets wall-to-wall coverage while a South Asian one barely registers. This article first appeared in Peace News. In JG Ballard’s classic novel, The Drowned World, people are struggling for survival on a post-apocalyptic,