Freedom News

Notes from US: The bureaucratic apocalypse

From our US correspondent: Racism Republicans throughout the United States have the wind behind them in their supremacist agendas nationally in Washington DC and in the states locally. In Missouri, for instance, the white Speaker (chairperson) of the state legislature silenced a black representative who was trying to draw attention to the ways in which

Long struggle: The IWA at 100

Founded in 1922, the International Workers’ Association (IWA) is celebrating its centenary this month. Over the last century it has represented many millions of people, faced repression from State forces and bounced back from the precipice. It has fought for the abolition of capitalism and the State, the implementation of libertarian communism and full workers’

Hunger strike of Ihar Alinevich: What is known now

Ihar Alinevich , an anarcho-partisan sentenced to 20 years for participating in the Belarusian uprising, went on hunger strike. Members of the Anarchist Black Cross collected the latest information about Igor from the Facebook of his mother Valentina Alinevich and from his close friends. Here’s what we were able to find out. On October 5,

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Oppression Many processes in public life in a society as complex as that of the United States rely on ‘good behaviour’ rather than rules and regulations to operate. As the élite

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Racism The Supreme Court continued its pernicious ‘business’ this month and last. The most egregious of its other deadly and destructive deeds are further described later in this month’s ‘Notes from

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Being mindful of Godwin’s law – let’s justify the increased use of the ‘f word’ recently in ‘Notes from the US’. Fascism Over the last hundred years or so, a consensus

Notes from the US: Disinformed and dying

This month’s missive again concentrates on the worsening situation in the country as a result of resistance and refusal to follow public health guidelines mostly inspired by disinformation and partisan lies in response to the worsening Covid-19 pandemic. Most metrics are now consistently at their highest since the pandemic’s inception in January last year. Environment

International anarchist statement on the centenary of the 1921 Kronstadt Uprising

Today marks the 100th annviersary of the beginning of the Kronstadt uprising. Here, we reprint a statement, signed by 20 libertarian communist organisations, which looks at the events of March 1921 and their meaning for libertarians today. 100 Years Since the Kronstadt Uprising To Remember Means to Fight! International anarchist statement on the centenary of