Freedom News

British Politics and Anarchism in 2022

I’ve been thinking recently about the various themes that I’ve written about since starting this regular column for Freedom in 2016. I try really hard not to repeat myself too much but history has a way of making that pretty tough. These are the themes I think will recur time and again in 2022. (In)competence

Solidarity of the rich

Jon Bigger considers the actions of those who preach individual strength, but practice a very particular, and extraordinarily successful, form of mutual support. As if we needed reminding, solidarity and mutual aid are hard work. Covid 19 laid it all bare once again. In building up organisations from the grassroots, time and time again, we

A roundup of radical activism in Britain in 2021

2021 has been a big year for protest, occupations and direct action. As we move into the new year and continue organising and strategising, I think it’s helpful to look back at what we’ve been up to. I hope this really brief overview will be a useful resource for activists in the Britain, as well

Notes from the US: a Winter solstice tale

A Year’s End Yarn Once upon a time in a country far far away called the Untied States of Amnesia (with due acknowledgement to Gore Vidal) there arose a puzzling and preposterous political party which took the name, ‘Thump for White Exceptionalism and Racial Purity’ – ‘TWERP’ for short. Officially, the TWERPs described themselves as

Autonomous Winter Shelter opened in former St. Mungo’s hostel

We are occupying the former St. Mungo’s Hostel on Gray’s Inn Road in protest against the austerity measures that have enabled the continuous neglect of those sleeping rough. As houseless people, no longer will we sit and wait to freeze to death on the streets. We are sick of sombre spaces and half-assed hostels. Instead, we are taking direct action – organising to assist each other in times of crisis.

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: the new tax rise

Boris Johnson has recently announced a 1.25% tax increase on national insurance in order to ‘help provide greater funding for health and social care.’ This specific increase is advertised as being ‘legally ring fenced’ and will only be allocated to health and social care. This tax is nothing short of an attack on the lowest