Freedom News

Capitalism, big pharma, and the pandemic

Capitalism, big pharma, and the pandemic

Blocking the TRIPS waiver In October 2020 India and South Africa submitted a proposal to the TRIPS Council of the World Trade organisation for a waiver of certain intellectual property rights for covid-19 vaccines. The Council for Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, to give the TRIPS its full name, polices and upholds corporate

To the legal limits

To the legal limits

With the end of lockdown and, to all intents and purposes, the end of the Labour Party left, we appear to find ourselves in something of a political grey zone in the Summer of 2022. On the one hand, the Tories have never been less popular and rightfully so. The NHS crisis created by their

Solidarity of the rich

Solidarity of the rich

Jon Bigger considers the actions of those who preach individual strength, but practice a very particular, and extraordinarily successful, form of mutual support. As if we needed reminding, solidarity and mutual aid are hard work. Covid 19 laid it all bare once again. In building up organisations from the grassroots, time and time again, we

Lessons of the Covid mutual aid projects

Lessons of the Covid mutual aid projects

In the early days of the pandemic, Freedom put out a call to found mutual aid groups for helping people struggling under lockdown, which went spectacularly viral. Anna K, one of the original organisers of the phenomenon, reflects on lessons learned. Back in April 2020, I offered five thoughts on the successes and failures of

Why Boris Johnson still isn’t a libertarian

Why Boris Johnson still isn’t a libertarian

Monday has been dubbed ‘Freedom Day’ by the Prime Minister. Despite being urged to focus his pandemic response on data rather than dates, he set the 19th of July as the date by which the UK would remove most Covid restrictions – regardless of what the virus does. People are being instructed that they must

Get Boris done in

Get Boris done in

This text first appeared in the newly released Class War magazine. You can read it here. A year into the Boris Johnson administration and his incompetence is obvious. “Wouldn’t it be fun if we had the clown stuck on the zipwire as Prime Minister?” No, it wouldn’t. Typically, the Tories chose their leader because they

Notes from the US

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Trump While not being in any way truly radical, the media giant CNN has been consistently critical of Trump during his presidency. Now that it is over, CNN has published a

Notes from the US

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Absurdity Let’s start – once again – with recent events which nicely typify the way the Trump gang is now conducting itself (in public). Two little scenes show him prematurely shutting