Freedom News

Drivers and couriers vow to escalate after protest at Uber HQ over unfair sacking of 200 key workers

Following the unfair dismissal of over 200 drivers and couriers by app-based operators this year, the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) brought together workers from its United Private Hire Drivers and the Couriers and Logistics Branches to protest on Monday outside Uber HQ at Aldgate Tower in London. A motorcade of cars, bicycles

Climate activists targeted in police crackdown at G7

During the G7 summit last weekend, officers from Devon & Cornwall Police arrested 29 members of the animal rights and climate emergency group Animal Rebellion, in what looked like the deliberate targeting of anyone associated with them for harassment, searches, and arrests. The largest number of arrests were last Saturday when, in an apparently surveillance-focused

The Zad of the Link: call to join ZAD du LIEN

The ‘L.I.E.N’ [“la liaison intercantonale d’évitement du nord” – The Northern Bypass or LINK in English] is the latest section of motorway scheduled for construction around Montpellier, France. For 30 years, residents and activists have fought against this project which would see a river of concrete plough through some of the last green spaces around

Black Protest Legal Support condemns police violence against Free Palestine protesters

Black Protest Legal Support (BPLS) has condemned police violence seen in London during the Free Palestine and Colombia protests last Saturday. Below, Freedom reproduces the statement from BPLS. CW: Police brutality, racialised violence. BPLS condemns the continued levels of extreme police violence and aggression towards Free Palestine protesters in London on 15th May, including a

Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime threatens illegal eviction against squatters protesting police violence

The Mayor’s Office of Policing and Crime has threatened an illegal eviction against squatters currently occupying the former Cavendish Road police station in Clapham Common. The squatters are occupying in protest against police violence and the new police crackdown bill. The bill has been delayed from progressing to committee stage in the face of widespread