Freedom News

Italian anarchists on the extradition of Cesare Battisti

Italian anarchists on the extradition of Cesare Battisti

The former armed strugglist, active in the 1970s as part of an autonomist Marxist cell, was recently captured and flown to Italy from Bolivia after 38 years on the run. Battisti originally fled to France in 1981 having been sentenced to 12 years for membership in the banned Armed Proletarians for Communism group and, controversially,

Italian and Polish neo-nazis join forces to patrol beaches to “protect women from migrants”

Italian and Polish neo-nazis join forces to patrol beaches to “protect women from migrants”

The members of Italian far-right party Forza Nuova (FN), in coalition with Polish neo-nazi group National Radical Camp (Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny, ONR), launched beach patrols in order to “protect women and children from migrants” in the Italian town Rimini. Additionally, the fascists intend to conduct separate patrols in the town, against “migrant drug dealers”. The first

Italy: arson attack on CSA Magazzino47 Social Centre

Italy: arson attack on CSA Magazzino47 Social Centre

Last night the fascists broke into CSA Magazzino47 social centre in Brescia, Italy, and set fire to it. They forced entry through a window and used gasoline to set the social centre bookshop on fire. Fortunately, no one was injured during the attack or due to fire. The situation was quickly contained by a community center’s member

Naples: Anarchists under pressure as anti-mafia tactics employed in crackdown

Naples: Anarchists under pressure as anti-mafia tactics employed in crackdown

Bearing down on insurrectionist groups, the Italian State is using its organised crime units to cast a wide net and pressure anarchists nationwide. In this article by Naples activists, they look at the failed attempt at a “precautionary arrest” of 20 alleged members of the Informal Anarchist Federation and the chilling effects of an investigation which has

Italy: ‘Humanity welcome’ rally calls for aid to abandoned refugees

Italy: ‘Humanity welcome’ rally calls for aid to abandoned refugees

For months now the situation of asylum seekers in San Lorenzo Isontino, near the Italy-Slovenia border, has been shocking. Just like in Pordenone, the city’s centre-right council (with the complicity of the wider Gorizia Prefecture) is leaving hundreds of refugees waiting for the right to asylum to freeze without any kind of assistance. It’s an unreal situation that the

Book Review: +KAOS Ten years of Hacking and Media Activism

Book Review: +KAOS Ten years of Hacking and Media Activism

Autistici/Inventati 139pp Link to book. Autistici/Inventati (A/I) is an Italian activist tech collective which provides email accounts, mailing lists, webhosting and other techtools to a scarily high proportion of Italian speaking activists in the anticapitalist movement. English speaking activists will no doubt be more familiar with their American comrades Riseup, who perform a similar function.

Italy: Base unions set for general strike

Italy: Base unions set for general strike

Anarcho-syndicalist union USI and other base unions in Italy are organising for a general strike on October 27th over a host of issues around working rights, wages, pensions, privatisation, racism and military spending. Groups including CUB, SGB and COBAS have joined the walkout, which has made the following demands for change across both public and private-sector

Italy: Repression worsens against activists fighting TAP gas pipeline

Italy: Repression worsens against activists fighting TAP gas pipeline

Grassroots organisation the AltreMenti Valle Peligna collective reports that repression is becoming increasingly harsh as activists fight against the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) in Puglia. Over the last week groups of activists from NoTAP have blocked work on the line, which is one-fifth owned by BP and aims eventully to run gas from Azerbaijan through to western Europe, at a