Freedom News

The 11th Congress of the IFA

The 11th Congress of the IFA

The end of last month saw the 11th Congress of the International of Anarchist Federations, which co-ordinates social anarchist organisations across 13 different national and language regions in three continents — we reproduce reports from the gathering below. Background to the IFA Congress The following is adapted from an article which first appeared in Italian

Italian anarchists for the general women’s strike

Italian anarchists for the general women’s strike

The Italian Anarchist Federation writes on why it will be mobilising for the global strike initiative on March 8th, amid an atmosphere of reaction which has been driving repressive reforms. The Italian Anarchist Federation supports the general feminist strike that will mark March 8th in many countries of the world. Rather than being any mere ritual and done out

Italian anarchists on the extradition of Cesare Battisti

Italian anarchists on the extradition of Cesare Battisti

The former armed strugglist, active in the 1970s as part of an autonomist Marxist cell, was recently captured and flown to Italy from Bolivia after 38 years on the run. Battisti originally fled to France in 1981 having been sentenced to 12 years for membership in the banned Armed Proletarians for Communism group and, controversially,