Freedom News

France: Campaign against new migrant detention centres ramps up

Despite noises about welcoming refugees from Ukraine in recent months, France is joining Britain in expanding the prisons-for-migrants system as part of its own ongoing “hostile environment” efforts. The Macron government is planning to open a number of new Administrative Retention Centers (CRAs) including a 64-place facility in Mesnil-Amelot, just outside Charles de Gaulle Airport,

Supporters call for International Day of Solidarity with anarchist hunger striker Libre Flot

On 8th December 2020, seven anarchists were arrested by the DGSI, the French anti-terrorist police unit, in various locations across France. They have been accused of partaking in “a criminal association planning a terrorist attack”. All but one have since been released (two without charges), some after months in pre-trial detention. They are awaiting trial

France: Hunger striker Libre Flot hospitalised

Now on his 27th day of refusing food, the former Rojava fighter is still demanding that the accusation of “terrorist association” against him be rescinded. Flot, who began his hunger strike on February 28th, was experiencing severe chest pains when he was admitted to hospital last Saturday for an examination, describing “strong chest pressure accompanied