Freedom News

Notes from the US: COVID-19 edition

‘Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action’ (Goethe) Readers of Freedom News will be familiar with (and probably sick of hearing) accounts of the Trump administration’s misconduct during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. They were expected; they were worse than predicted. So this month’s ‘Notes from the US’ contains some of the salient moments,

COVID-19 and social reproduction

This text first appeared at, a platform publishing comment and critique related to anarchist activism, anarchist academia, and the wider world as viewed through an anarchist lens. In association with Anarchist Studies academic journal, the blog facilitates rapid publication and functions as a platform to share opinion and host critical debate. Covid-19 has brought

Listen up sanes: the intersection of policing and healthcare is nothing new

On March 25th the Coronavirus Act 2020 received Royal Assent and became law. The contents of this ‘emergency bill’ are wide in scope: they cover increased police powers, changes to health and social care legislation, postponement of elections, changes in burial procedure and changes in statutory sick pay, amongst other measures. The next day Health

Calling All Creatives (who are less talented than me)

An exciting opportunity has come about to see your writing, which you labour over tirelessly and painfully, be turned into a bite-sized lovely tidbit about people communicating in a socially distanced world. The BBC, in light of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, is battening down the hatches, shoring up the rigging, and sending out our best