Freedom News

The 2021 Anarchist Bookfairs List

The 2021 Anarchist Bookfairs List

In 2020 real-life anarchist bookfairs were, sadly, largely out of the question and very little happened which wasn’t virtual, including in Dundee, Edinburgh and London which ran extensive showings. This trend continued into the first half of the year, with the recent Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair putting on an excellent event on May 29th-30th (viewable

London event invitation: What is Freedom?

London event invitation: What is Freedom?

We use the word all the time and we all probably have our own gut feelings about what we mean when we do so. It’s also the case that in political philosophy the word has multiple meanings depending on what philosophy is under scrutiny. Peterson Silva will be presenting some thoughts regarding anarchism and freedom

The Social Centre Bulletin

The Social Centre Bulletin

This new column for Freedom News aims to support and publicise what’s happening at radical social centres around Britain. Social centres are fantastic hubs for their communities and the gathering points for rebels and revolutionaries. These bastions of liberty provide an inestimable service to the people who use them. They should be supported at every