Last year saw the first tentative efforts to restart physical anarchist bookfairs amid the Covid crisis, with some success in places like Bradford, London, Manchester and even Stonehenge, and this year it looks like the revival is in full swing.
Doing this feature in March, when enough bookfairs have been announced to make a proper list, usually means we inadvertently miss out on the excellent Derry Radical Bookfair, which tends to happen in January, but this time it also falls after Active Distro’s Radical Bookfair in Bristol last month. Apologies for that comrades, but great to see them happening! Fortunately for the West, Bristol is well catered for with the Radical History Bookfair taking place later in the year.
Particularly pleasing is an all-new effort taking place in the late autumn in Peterborough – it’s been a few years since the last East Anglian showing and best of luck to the organisers! Full details below, but in calendar order we’ve got:
- May 7th: Glasgow
- May 14th: Bristol
- May 14th: Liverpool
- May 21st: Newcastle
- Sept 3rd: Bradford
- Sept 17th: London
- October 29th: Peterborough
- November 5th: Manchester
Note: All details are subject to change, be it due to unforeseen pandemic problems or because sometimes stuff goes wrong. Let us know via editor @ if so, or if you want an anarchist bookfair in Britain or Ireland adding to the list!
Bradford Radical Bookfair
Website | Facebook event | Twitter
September 3rd
At the 1 in 12 Club
“There will be stalls and hopefully some other events, talks, poetry and discussions. If you would like a stall please get in touch, we expect to charge £10 per stall for this one with all proceeds going towards the 1 in 12 Club!”
Already lined up are WYACG, PM Press, AK, Active Distribution, 0161 Festival, Pirate Press, Cubesville and Forged Books.
Bristol Radical History Festival
May 14th at the M-Shed
The festival has two main themes, will reveal hidden histories, debate and agitate for a future of better pasts. Theme one looks at State and private surveillance of labour and social movements (1792 to now), while theme two will consider the hidden histories of post-war Britain (1945-51). Among the planned entertainments will be talks, workshops, walks, films, singing, exhibitions and of course, stalls.
Red and Black Clydeside Bookfair
May 7th at The Clubroom, CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
Red and Black Clydeside is part of working class Glasgow’s May Day celebrations, and follows from the previous weekend’s May Day on the Green. The event is a showcase for the libertarian left and beyond in Glasgow today. Talks, discussions, stalls and a long-overdue chance to mingle in person.

The 4th Liverpool Anarchist Bookfair
May 14th at The Black E, 1 Great George St
A day of stalls and workshops including turns from Dog Section Press, Footprint and Cubesville. Free entry (donations towards events costs welcome). Books, zines & more to educate, agitate and organise! Contact them for details about booking a stall or running a talk/workshop on liverpool.anarchistbookfair [at]
AntiUniversity: September 10th-16th September at various venues
Anarchist Bookfair in London: September 17th at Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH
Anti-Uni: Website | Facebook | Contact: antiuniversitynow at
Anarchist Bookfair in London: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Contact: anarchistbookfairlondon at
“Following last year’s successful collaboration, the Antiuniversity Now and Anarchist Bookfair in London will join forces again this year in a week-long festival of radical learning, mutual education and printed resistance.”
Manchester Anarchist Bookfair
5th November at the People’s History Museum
Just an announcement thus far for this year’s event (fair enough it’s not due for another seven or so months), but if you’re looking for more details and/or stall space details are below:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Email: manchester at

May 21st 2022 at the Star and Shadow Cinema
Facebook | Contact: newcastleanarchistbookfair [at]
A good number of stalls and workshops on workers’ struggle, stencil art and self defence in a great radical venue.

Peterborough Radical Bookfair
October 29th at The George Alcock Centre, Whittlesey Rd, Stanground, Peterborough
This event will include books, zines, art, workshops and meetings featuring alternative ideas on how to organise society. Run by Peterborough Radical Bookfair Collective, in a fully accessible venue. To get a stall send ‘em a message.
Nothing Announced (yet) …
Dorset: The collective is raring to go but has been having venue troubles, if anyone can help on that score these are their basic setup needs.
Edinburgh: The excellent Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair is yet to be announced for 2022 but the intent is there, keep up with progress (and get involved):
Website | Facebook | Twitter.
London: The London Radical Bookfair folks have struggled this year with the temporary loss of a key organiser (all the best to them!) so it’s not looking like it will happen this year, but the intent is to properly reset and look towards 2023.
Website | Facebook
Nottingham: The usual group behind the city’s radical bookfair are Fiveleaves, who haven’t got a day down on paper yet but reckon they’ll probably put something on and are having a think about it. Keep an eye on their facebook for updates!
Pic: Detail from this year’s Newcastle bookfair poster.