Freedom News

Greece: Free Transportation For All: A paradigmatic anarchist campaign in the difficult years of Syriza

In early 2016 in Athens, a far-reaching campaign begun with a fairly modest announcement: “Free Transportation for All”. The campaign started with a few initial actions that grabbed headlines, such as the intervention at the OASA (Athens Mass Transit System) office and the destruction of ticket machines at several stations. Since then, the campaign has

A rethink about Labour

For most of the last 40 years it has been quite simple making anarchist arguments against the political system. There has barely been a cigarette paper’s difference between the main parties as both rushed to embrace the neo-liberal consensus that sees the role of the State as guaranteeing good conditions for business. And always taking

Russia: arrests and torture of anarchists and antifascists

Two people in St Petersburg and five in Penza (a city in western Russia) are under arrest, while many others have been connected to their cases as witnesses. The arrestees are charged with article 205.4 of the Russian Criminal Code: participation in a terrorist organisation. On January 24, 23-year-old antifascist Viktor Filinkov had disappeared at Pulkovo

Ursula Le Guin dies aged 88

One of the most influential writers of her generation, author of possibly the most famous anarchist science fiction ever penned, Le Guin passed away at home after a short illness. While many will remember her for the Earthsea series, The Dispossessed was perhaps Le Guin’s most enduring work for anarchists, a deep, nuanced and beautifully

Reflections on Anarchist Organising

In his latest column, Jon Bigger reflects on grassroots anarchist organising. Living on a university campus means I come into contact with lots of people interested in politics for the first time. Some have never heard of anarchism and others have a very slim knowledge of what it is.  It’s slightly different from meeting and