Freedom News

The Spectacle Belongs to the Tory Party

The spectacle belongs to the Tories and aren’t they providing top notch entertainment? Theresa May’s vote of confidence by Tory MPs doesn’t change anything. In fact it makes it harder for her. She cannot now face a similar challenge from her own party within the next 12 months. In which case the Tories will carry

Aspects of syndicalism in Spain, Sweden and USA

Considering the relative weakness of anarcho-syndicalism in Britain historially, Philip Holgate compares three countries where the revolutionary union idea took off and made a major social impact in Spain, Sweden and the US. Holgate, born at Chesterfield, 1934, studied mathematics at Exeter and spent five years teaching in a progressive school. He was a member of

40 days of struggle towards dignity

For 40 days, a sit-in strike in the Polish parliament building by a group of disabled children, young people and their parents, occupied the national media headlines, but barely made it to the international news. The protesters were demanding higher disability benefits and better access to health care. The uncaring and disrespectful way the government

Russia: protest against prison torture

St Petersburg: about 400 people took part in the rally against torture of prisoners in Russia: an impressive turn out for a country where brutal political repression is a norm. The event was organized by the St. Petersburg solidarity group with anarchists and anti-fascists arrested and tortured by the Russian state. The main banner of

Notes from the USA

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Racism As Trump replaced Rex Tillerson last month as Secretary of State with the strongly ‘hawkish’ Mike Pompeo, one Gina Haspel has been slated to replace Pompeo at the CIA. During

Obituary: Jack Stevenson

Jack Stevenson passed away on Easter Sunday. An electrician by trade, and a keen gardener of vegetables on his allotment, Jack was prominent among London anarchists  in the 1960s. Among other achievements, he was the founder, treasurer, and inconspicuous donor to the Sit-Down-Or-Pay-Up fund, which subsidised legal expenses and fines of supporters of the Committee

A Oes Heddwch? Welsh peace activism historic and modern

Ahead of Cardiff Stop The Arms Fair protests due tomorrow, Jane Harries writes about some of the peace movement’s historic associations in Wales, and about modern-day movements. At the National Eisteddfod main literature awards, two Druids partly unsheathe a sword above the winning author’s head and ask the audience: ‘A oes Heddwch?’ (‘Is there peace?’) ‘Heddwch!’ (‘Peace!’)

Far from therapeutic …

PAT ARROWSMITH, field organiser for the Committee of 100, was serving a 3-month sentence in Gateside Prison, Greenock, for her part in the anti-Polaris demonstration at Holy Loch when this article was published by Freedom Press. It is extracted from an account of her experiences in Holloway Prison following the Direct Action Committee’s demonstrations at

Surviving Zad’s uncertain future

Zad’s Council for the Maintenance of Occupations takes an in-depth look at the French State’s latest divide-and-rule project in the wake of their famous victory over the  Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport. We often said, to demonstrate our stubbornness, “There will be no airport in Notre-Dame-des-Landes” — to make it a prophecy. On January 17th, this statement was written in