Freedom News

Shut Carlow Street: We’ll run our own union

Shut Carlow Street: We’ll run our own union

UCU activist Jose Collina reflects this year’s universities pensions strike, won and lost. Fou­­­r weeks on strike, another three weeks arguing about what next, we finally came up with answer — back to work, with no guarantees, only a vague hope that a joint panel populated by the nominees of our mendacious employers and ever-vacillating

Anti-democratic values: Making the case for consensus

Anti-democratic values: Making the case for consensus

In this essay written for the June C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium, Derek Wittorff argues that the left’s focus on democracy and a falling off of interest in consensus-based approaches is short-sighted, and pushes even anarchists down paths of hierarchical control. Democracy: the universal war cry of justice. We’re told by the left — both moderate and radical —