Freedom News

Mexico: Zapatistas launch caravan for indigenous life

The Chiapas-based, libertarian socialist-inspired movement is marching against poverty, drug wars which have ravaged the nation, and the failure to act of “left-wing” president Obrador. The Zapatistas, which celebrated the 25th anniversary of its original uprising last year, expanded recently with the declaration of seven new caracoles (organising regions) and four new autonomous municipalities in

The View Magazine: Artful Ways and Means

Note from the editor: this text contains a discussion on issues which may be triggering and difficult to read. However, we decided to publish it as it concerns hard questions prison abolitionists need to face. (zb) The View Magazine started at the request of the governor at HMP Downview, a new governor, who was woefully

British prisons are Petri dishes for this pandemic; without immediate action it’s the death penalty by any other name

Carl Cattermole This past Tory decade has left public services looking like a bicycle locked up too long in East London: valuable parts stolen, everything else rusted. And if the service still has two wheels then I guarantee it doesn’t have the suspension to cope with bumps… and… COVID-19 isn’t a bump, it’s an assault

Solidarity for West Papua is overdue

“Those Papuans of yours are some 700,000 and living in the Stone Age” said John F Kennedy in 1963, as he approved an agreement to hand over control of West Papua to Indonesia, ceded from the Dutch. That figure the US president so glibly negated an entire people with was a few hundred thousand off

The Anarchist Big Issue

If you know, then you know. They be slanging DOPE in Angel Alley. Sliding up past Whitechapel Gallery like a needle to a vein, people come for two kinds. One of them they smoke in foil wraps with dragon flame lighters.   The other they give out at the anarchist bookshop, targeting kids, prisoners and homeless

Johnson Prorogues Parliament: A Very British Coup?

Johnson has prorogued parliament, stripping parliamentary oversight at a key moment in order to force through his damaging no-deal Brexit plan. People across the country are responding to this with anger, and rightly so, it is an affront to the notion of British democracy that our legislature should be suspended at a point like this,